Jehovah's Witnesses, Are They of The Truth - Jesus Christ or Just Deceivers and Liars? - Part 1
So what do they teach and preach? Well, like Herbert W Armstrong, a combination of Truth and error, but error that is serious error - heinous, blasphemous error. This in turn puts them in the same league as Armstrong, and strangely enough on very similar shaky or sandy ground. The only real difference between the two groups being their direction or approach. Both groups profess belief in Jesus Christ and yet both groups in their own ways deny Him and speak against Him with their teaching. I am not going to dwell on Armstrong's organisation too long as I have already covered that in a separate article, but suffice it to say, both organisations were/are fundamentally monotheistic. Worldwide professes, now, to be Trinitarian in belief with a definite mainstream Christian bias, so out of the frying pan and into the fire comes to mind with that odd and surreal change of affairs. With JW's, though, it's business as usual with their totally flawed, anti-Trinitarian teaching. This means they have by-passed the frying pan and are full time residents in the fire with their belief in a non-Jesus or fabricated weak puny Jesus, not the real He-man Lord Jesus Christ or God Jesus Christ. The amazing thing is, if you ever look at their literature you will usually see the archetypal images of the weak, effeminate looking, long haired wimp Jesus. This means, strange as it may seem, that JW's do have something in common with mainstream Christianity and no doubt mainstream Christians won't be pleased to here it.
These images, without their realising it, are their undoing, because these false images tie in beautifully with their blasphemous teaching on Jesus Christ being a created being. To put it in a nutshell, to JW's, The Lord Jesus Christ was never God as in being equal with The Father God in the beginning. This is what JW's believe when, all the while John 1:1 clearly states otherwise:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Revelation 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Here in these two verses we can plainly see that one of The Lord Jesus Christ's names or titles was and is The Word of God and this very same Word of God, was God and He was with God - The Father God, in the beginning. Furthermore, He - The Word of God was The Creator God. This means that the Lord Jesus Christ was The Creator of all things, not The Father God. Now this also means that The Lord Jesus Christ has always existed - He was alive before the heavens and earth came into being - He has always been God with God - Two Beings with the Holy Spirit as their Power, but not a person of a blasphemous triune or trinity. I will return to this topic later. Now JW's state quite clearly that they believe Jesus Christ is a created being and yet John 1:1-3 in tandem with Rev 19:12 completely counters this blasphemy.
From the Wikipedia on the subject of Jehovah's Witnesses: Jesus is believed to be God's first creation, and thus is considered to be an independent entity from God who was used by Him to create everything else. Jesus is literally the only begotten Son of God, and received his life from God. Here we can see the error of their teaching revealed in black and white. How do we know the Wikipedia is telling us The Truth? Easy, Holy Scripture proves they are wrong and, I can personally vouch for it; I've 'discussed' this subject numerous times with these blasphemers, on my doorstep, always sending them away with a flea in their ear and, with something to think about. Now that's what you call witnessing!! You can almost see the steam coming out of their ears as they walk away.
For me, though, these heated discussions are not a time for prolonged triumphalism on my part. This whole issue is very sad indeed for, strangely enough, I have more in common with JW's, through them having some Truth, than I do with mainstream Christians, but until they, like mainstream Christians, have repented of their heinous sins and blasphemies against The Lord Jesus Christ, there can never be any brotherhood for me with them. The Lord commands us to be likeminded and as long as they teach error and believe in error I could no more be likeminded with them than fly to the stars.
Romans 15:5 Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
Phil 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Let's now return to the subject of their flawed anti-Trinitarian teaching. Why is it flawed? It's flawed because it defaults to monotheism and the Godhead is not one being, the Godhead is two beings. Putting it simply, if God is only one being - one God, then the Jews must be saved because they believe in one God. I will say that again, only differently, as it does not sink in easily with many so called believers: The Jews believe in one god, but they are not saved and this rule applies to any human being that believes in one god. Salvation is not in the belief of one god as God is not one, but Two Beings - The Godhead. This means, by default, the Jews believe in the same god as Christians and the same god as JW's. In fact this evidence actually proves that the Devil is not divided, because both mainstream Christians and JW's believe in a monotheistic god. If we read John 8:37-45 we quickly find out from The Lord Jesus Christ who this monotheistic god is, and it's not The Father God!
Ah, but hang on, us mainstream Christians believe in a god that's one and three at the same time, I hear you say. Yes you do, but at some point this god of yours is actually one god, so either he is one or he isn't one. If he is not one then say so but you can't can you 'cos you say he is one god, who at other times is three gods. No wonder you lot are confused!! So there he is, a monotheistic god that at other times can be three gods, what a clever god he is?
Ok that's one phoney god exposed, but what about this god of the JW's? Well this god is far less complicated, all you do is render one half of the Godhead impotent as a created being and, hey presto, you have one god. It's no good saying you still believe in Jesus, because in your blasphemous thinking you have reduced Him to nothing but a part of the creation. He might as well not exist at all, as He is no better than an angel, and all of mankind has and will die in their sins for, only God as a sacrifice could take all the sins of mankind on His shoulders - a created being would not be good enough. Here's the bottom line; to follow the teachings of the Satanic Cult is no different to following the Jewish religion as both groups believe in a mono-god. The Satanic Cult 'Jesus' is as weak and ineffectual as the wimp 'Jesus' of mainstream Christianity and another phoney god is exposed.
In my next article I will provide concrete evidence from the Old Testament to further expose Jehovah's Witnesses and their evil teaching.
If you want to know what JWs are all about, why waste time sorting through all the pro and con theological propaganda?
Here are summaries of over 550 COURT CASES, LAWSUITS, ETC. -- all dealing with JWs and their beliefs and practices as occurs in THE REAL WORLD:
The following website summarizes over 250 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, and/or incidents involving problem JW Employees:
The following website summarizes 300 U.S. court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 100+ cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children:
By Anonymous, at 2:11 pm
Thank you for your comment.
What we are dealing with here is causes and symptoms.
You may call it theoligical propanganda but I call it The Truth and The Truth is Jesus Christ, not theology.
The JW's lack of this knowledge of The Truth is what causes all the after effects and symptoms of their spiritual diseases that you have witnessed, described and listed.
The Lord Jesus Christ said "By their fruits you shall know them." QED.
Thanks again for your comment but always remember The Truth is Jesus Christ - a person, not theological propaganda. Theological propaganda is of man and his intellect alone.
Charles Crosby
By yes2truth aka Charles Crosby, at 12:51 pm
Hello. I wanted to share the fact that I am also an ex-Worldwide Church of God member. I have a blog called "In Spirit and In Truth"
I find your post interesting. I'm not sure if I follow the last two paragraphs of your post or rather the points you were trying to make, but I must say that I do agree that JW theology is in error. I, myself, have debated with them. They DO have their own translation published by the WatchTower. Which, careful comparision shows a difference between KJV and their translation. A good example of this difference is John 1:1. Today I posted a about Bible Translations vs. Paraphrase, so I find it interesting I stumbled upon this blog :)
All in all, I wanted to peacefully introduce myself as someone who used to be a part of a legalistic, borderline cultist church and who has now found Grace and Liberty in Christ Jesus! I'm also an American by the way. :) Stop by for visit sometime. God Bless!
By Hannah, at 5:27 am
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By Anonymous, at 5:00 pm
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